September Daily Prompt: Multi-Profession Wanna Be
Daily Prompt: Six of One, Half a Dozen of the Other Desakan Harian: Enam dari Satu,… baca lagi!
Daily Prompt: Six of One, Half a Dozen of the Other Desakan Harian: Enam dari Satu,… baca lagi!
Daily Prompt: Three-Tenths Desakan Harian: Tiga Per sepuluh Scribble down the first ten words that come… baca lagi!
Daily Prompt: The Road Less Traveled Desakan Harian: Jalan yang Lebih Sedikit Ditempuh Pinpoint a moment… baca lagi!
Daily Prompt: Never Desakan Harian: Tidak Pernah Tell us about a thing you’ll never write… baca lagi!
Daily Prompt: Red Pill, Blue Pill Desakan Harian: Pil Merah, Pil Biru If you could get… baca lagi!
Daily Prompt: Red Pill, Blue Pill Desakan Harian: Pil Merah, Pil Biru If you could get… baca lagi!
Daily Prompt: Silver Screen Desakan Harian: Layar Perak Take a quote from your favorite movie —… baca lagi!
Daily Prompt: Silver Screen Desakan Harian: Layar Perak Take a quote from your favorite movie —… baca lagi!
Daily Prompt: Erasure Desakan Harian: Penghapusan You have the choice to erase one incident from your… baca lagi!
Daily Prompt: All Grown Up Desakan Harian: Semuanya Tumbuh When was the first time you really… baca lagi!